
Vila Boa Drum Fermentation

Chocolate / Plums / Raisin

From 14.00


Minas Gerais has some of the highest mountains in southeast Brazil, providing an ideal altitude for coffee growing.

Fazenda Vila Boa, run by Monica Borges and her husband, is located in the region, specifically in the city of Carmo da Mata.

The farm lays at altitudes ranging from 900 to 1,200 masl and has 382 hectares in size.

Besides producing high-quality coffees, Monica is also highly conscious of protecting the environment. As a result, Fazenda Vila Boa is one of the first local farms to successfully become carbon neutral certified.

The farm‘s initiative to become carbon neutral was based on a study of the impact of coffee farming on climate change, and the farm reached this goal by implementing initiatives such as plant spacing and planting native forests.

This not only made the farm carbon neutral, but it also increased its output.

This natural coffee underwent drum fermentation.

After the red ripe cherries are selectively harvested, they are placed inside oak barrels to ferment without any oxygen for several days.

After the fermentation process, the cherries are laid on patios to sun-dry.

The result is a cup holding flavors of rum-raisin, plum, and 80% chocolate, complemented with an acetic and citric acidity along with a full, creamy body.

Additional info

Grind Type

Wholebean, Plunger (coarse), Filter (medium), Espresso (fine)

Roast Style

Filter, Espresso (20% DTR)




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Altitude1300 masl
VarietalYellow Bourbon
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